Sunday, December 11, 2011

2nd, 3rd, 4th Grade Activities in iLab from December 2011

This week 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade began work on Comic Life projects in the iLab.  2nd Graders are working on Fable passports.  The Fable passports are summaries of fables students are reading on MeeGenius.  The students summarize their fables using Comic Life.  The third grade is also using Comic Life as a research template.  3rd Graders are assigned a planet.  They describe their planet as if they are the planet.  The "I am" construct coupled with Comic Life is a fun way for the students to compose their work.  4th Grade is also using a Comic Life to interpret poetry.  Attached are some samples of 3rd and 4th grade work.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

iMovie 4th & 5th Grade

Students are learning to compose movies with iMovie.  This week in art class students will be contributing to their winter concert repertoire by composing rich media filled movies.

The movies will be playing in the background, while the students sing.  Above, is an example from Mrs. Backe's 5th grade class.  This tool is exciting and engaging for students.  It is a great alternative assessment of learning.  Students and teachers are able to see exactly what students have learned in a fun format.

This program is available on all district computers.  Learning iMovie is fun and easy.  If you would like more information about iMovie, please feel free to contact me at:

Monday, November 28, 2011


Flubaroo is a free tool that helps you quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments. I designed it for my own classroom, and want to share it with other teachers... for free!

* Flubaroo works with Google docs

 More than just a grading tool, Flubaroo also:

  • Computes average assignment score
  • Computes average score per question, and flags low-scoring questions
  • Shows you a grade distribution graph
  • Gives you the option to email each student their grade, and an answer key

If you would like to take advantage of  Flubaroo.  Please contact me and we can schedule a time to meet.

Google Forms

Forms are a useful tool to help you plan events, give students a quiz, or collect other information in an easy, streamlined way. A Google form is automatically connected to a spreadsheet with the same title. When you send a form to recipients, their responses will automatically be collected in that spreadsheet.

With Google Docs, you can quickly create a form or survey, email it to your friends, family, or colleagues, and keep track of the answers in one spreadsheet (all for free).

Quick, Easy, and Fast.  No reason to not take advantage of it!  You have the support.