Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Country Meadows has acquired access for grades 1-3 to Wixie

With Wixie, students can use paint tools, text options, clipare, and voice recording to showcase their content knowledge.

• Create original work that demonstrates their comprehension of the curriculum
• Illustrate to explain abstract concepts
• Create graphs and models to represent data
• Write digital stories
• Create non-linguistic representations to complement writing
• Anytime/anywhere mentality

Integrate into the core curriculum

Wixie comes with hundreds of curriculum activities. Teachers can also create customized content for their classes and distribute it to students in seconds.

You can access this tool at:

Students can login anywhere in the world using their credentials.  All that is required is flash.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Creating Digital Stories

There are several different ways to create digital stories.  Which ever way you decide works best, it is well worth learning this skill.  Creating podcasts, iMovies, and keynote presentations are three ways to accomplish the creation of a digital story.  The media that is created can be used from alternative assessments to guided reading for your students.  Either way the benefits can be instructional and student centered.

The following is an example of a digital story for instructional purposes.  Students can circulate through a center and acquire this content knowledge or it can be used as a guided reading station.

The following is a podcast that was created by a student.  This is an alternative story telling method that integrates 21st century technology.